So so grateful to receive this as someone also going through a major transition (a leap toward your former role's area of expertise - corporate wellbeing!). Your bulleted takeaways will keep me grounded and help me feel less alone. Thank you for sharing your journey and may we all remain butterflies.

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"Don’t overstay your welcome in the chrysalis. You won’t get to some moment of perfection and know exactly when to emerge. Sometimes transformation can be messy. Do it anyway, knowing the end result will always be worth it."

As an entrepreneur, this really resonated!

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Thank you for sharing this great article and I appreciate you including the last part about not over staying in the chrysalis. I totally resonate as I tend to get caught up with the idea of emerging perfect or well knowledgeable before coming out of the transformation process.

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Thanks for the great read, Jen! I’m mid-transformation myself and have had some chrysalis checks lately. Reading this today gave me a nice little elbow nudge and a wink.

And you’re right, as I’ve seen it in my journey even today: people do find inspiration, and sometimes it just has to be you (or me) doing the inspiring by taking care of ourselves.

Thanks for being you, for sharing yourself, and inspiring others.

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